#NeverNotWorking is a popular Social Media hashtag used to promote the idea of someone working very hard. Our campaign invites people to assess their privilege by looking at the #NeverNotWorking hashtag in the context of workplace exploitation through wage theft, pay equity issues, and, the trafficking of individuals brought to the United States as part of the B1 domestic service workers visa program.
Millions more women carry out unpaid household work to sustain their own households or to care for elderly or ill relatives. Women often labor without equal sharing from family members and without any support from family-friendly public policies.

Who is #NeverNotWorking

3.8 million domestic workers are victims of forced labor and human trafficking worldwide. Household workers make up one of the fastest-growing groups of trafficked labor. These women suffer physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, as well as wage theft, and often are exposed to punitive immigration detention or deportation if they try to speak out about abusive conditions.
3.0 million
worldwide victims

What Enables #NeverNotWorking

We all enable #nevernotworking at the individual and societal level. Individually, we may be domestic workers—but not part of a domestic worker organization that provides rights education, negotiating tips, and legal support. Individually, we may be employers—but not following the checklist for a mutually beneficial and supportive work relationship. That checklist sets out guidelines for clear expectations, fair pay, paid time off, health and safety, and mutual respect. Collectively, we enable #nevernotworking because we do not demand that our officials enact supportive policies.

How To Stop #NeverNotWorking

The only way to stop the exploitation and abuse is for household workers to have the power to change their working conditions. One thing is essential. We must stand in solidarity with domestic workers—seeing our shared humanity and seeing our shared interests in fairness, justice, and voice for all. Our laws should ensure access to quality long-term care, including home care, with fair wages and with support for families.


