Miami is the only major American city founded by a woman.
Over the past 30 years the city has transformed from a mere tourist destination into a top-tier global city. Despite that transformation, the general perception remains in the beach-and-beauty mode of decades back. Miami women have to contend with the strongest negative misconceptions created by the hypersexualized image of “Miami girls” popularized by the media and perpetuated as public opinion.
Miami Girls Foundation made it its mission to reshape this damaging stereotype.
We want to tell the story of our city.Through the women who built it.
The women who shape it.
The women who lead it.
The women who identify issues that matter and challenge the status quo.We are intergenerational and intersectional.
We are every race.
Every religion.
Every neighborhood.
And income level.
And sector.Our Miami is strong.
Miami Girls Manifesto
It is beautiful.
It is diverse.
And it is female.
InsideOut Project is a global platform encouraging people to stand up for what they care about. By featuring portraits of female leaders we want to show to the world the Miami we know and love and to introduce these leaders to their communities to give them the recognition they deserve.

The video was produced by Miami Girls Foundation with support from John S. and James Knight Foundation.
Featured in this video in order of appearance
Rebekah Monson | WhereBy.Us
Rebecca Fishman-Lipsey | Radical Partners
Marcia Olivo | Miami Workers Center
Alana Greer | Community Justice Project
Cristina Mas | The Underline
Ruth Shack | Miami Foundation
Leigh-Ann Buchanan | The Venture Café
Elizabeth Ortiz, Maria Hechavarria, Fabiola Fils-Aime | Genius Project youth STEM program winners.
Kellie Tigertail | Member Of Seminole Tribe, Indigenous Activist
Mena Jagannath | Community Justice Project
Jasmen Rogers |SEIU
Lutze Segu |Femme Agenda
Florencia Jimenez-Marcos |The Colony Theater
Jonel Edwards | Dream Defenders
Natalia Martinez-Kalinina | CIC Miami
Carolina Pina | WinLab Miami
Maya Ibars | Women and Girls Initiate